NBPGR Recruitment Jobs 2022: Hello, Guya are you waiting for the Central government jobs now the new notification has been released by the NBPGR. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources has invited applications from eligible candidates for the post of Technician and Technical Assistant jobs with a total of 33 vacancies. This is a great opportunity for people who are looking for government jobs. The candidates who are willing to apply for these NBPGR recruitment jobs have to submit the application form on or before the last date 02nd January 2023
Interested candidates have to check the following details Education Qualification, Age limit, application fee, selection process, and important dates. further, more detailed information regarding the NBPGR jobs can check below. We have also provided the official notification and application online link. Follow our page to get more updates
Name of the organization: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
Name of the post: Technician & Technical Assistant
The number of vacancies: 33
Category: Recruitment
The candidates will be appointed on DR in T-1 &3, But subsequently promoted to higher assessment on a 5-year assessment basis will also be considered against T-1 & 3 vacancies in the relevant field
check the official notification regarding the age limit
Please refer to the official notification regarding the pay scale details
The selection process is based on the following
Go to the official notification and refer to the application fee details
Latest Govt Jobs
The last date for submitting the application form: is 02nd January 2023
Official Notification | Click Here |
Apply Online | Click Here |